Consumer Bankruptcy

Filing Personal Bankruptcy in Oklahoma

Filing bankruptcy in Oklahoma most often involves filing for either Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Consumers more commonly file chapter 7 bankruptcy though each method has pros and cons. Either way, with few exceptions, you will be required to take an Oklahoma credit counseling program with an approved agency within 180 days before filing.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy has more stringent income qualification requirements (you have to pass the Oklahoma means test) and requires the debtor to have his non-exempt assets sold. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy, on the other hand, is easier to qualify for if you have a higher income as it lets you retain all of your possessions. However, Chapter 13 will not just forgive eligible debts like Chapter 7 will; instead, you will need to pay back some or all of those debts over a 3-5 year repayment program that your creditors must approve. Deciding to file Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or any type of bankruptcy as a consumer is an important decision you shouldn’t make until you are fully informed about your options.

How often can I file bankruptcy in Oklahoma?

If you have had debts discharged within the past eight years under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may not file another Chapter 7 bankruptcy, though Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be available to you.

For more information, please select one of the options below.

Life goes on after bankruptcy. Our bankruptcy lawyers can help you get your finances and your life back on track.

Get a free no-obligation consultation or call us at 405-948-1978.